Kratzig Law Firm
Corpus Christi Business & Commercial Litigation Attorney | Texas Criminal Defense Trial Lawyer | Oil & Gas Law Firm in Houston TX
Attorney Paul Kratzig is an experienced Corpus Christi business and commercial litigation attorney, serving clients throughout the Gulf Coast of Texas. Contact his office to schedule a consultation.
* Criminal Defense
* General Litigation
* Commercial Litigation
* Oil and Gas Civil Litigation
Kratzig Law Firm
615 N Upper Broadway #900
Corpus Christi TX 78477
Tel: 361 888-5564
Fax: 361 888-5366
Paul Kratzig, owner of The Kratzig Law Firm, is known throughout the local legal community for his significant experience and personalized representation of clients, both individuals and businesses.
Paul began his practice as a Special Attorney in the Organized Crime and Racketeering Section of the United States Department of Justice. When he left the Department of Justice, he moved to Corpus Christi and, since then, has represented clients throughout Texas and in other states in both criminal and business litigation. He and associates of the firm are committed to providing all clients with effective legal counsel.
We listen to their needs, determine their goals, and address their problems with the benefit of sound experience in many areas of the law.
The firm maintains strong relations with qualified and reputable lawyers in the legal community and receives a significant number of referrals from larger firms. Where appropriate, and in complex cases involving multiple issues and/or parties, the firm assembles and/or works with a team of top lawyers from other firms in order to provide the best quality representation in the subject matter of the litigation.
Paul and the lawyers on his team are committed to providing all clients with effective legal counsel. We listen to their needs, determine their goals, and address their problems with the benefit of sound experience in many areas of the law. No matter the circumstances, we accommodate the needs of every client and discuss all issues with them in a frank and open manner.
Defending Clients Against Accusations of White Collar Crime
Our firm thoroughly investigates each case for any potential violations of our clients' rights and will challenge any impropriety on the part of law enforcement officials or the State.
Our criminal defense practice encompasses both state and federal matters, including:
* White Collar Crimes
* Embezzlement
* Fraud
* Mail and wire fraud
* Defrauding of the government
* Contract fraud
* Bankruptcy fraud
* Bank fraud
* Environmental crimes
* Pollution
* Toxic waste
* Endangered Species Act
* Marine Mammal Act
* Lacey Act (violation of game laws on interstate)
* Conspiracy
* Gambling violations
* Tax prosecutions
* Money laundering
* Drug violations
* Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO)
* Obstruction of justice
* Perjury
* False statements
* Health care-related crimes
* Theft of federal funds
If a case goes to trial, we prepare to defend you in front of either a judge or jury. Moreover, if we are involved in negotiations with the federal or State authorities, your best interests are always considered. Paul Kratzig is a highly reputable defense lawyer who has been practicing in Texas and federal courts for many years. He approaches each case in a straightforward manner and strives to fully explain the law and all available legal options clearly.
Each of our clients matters to us. As such, we handle each case with the compassion and understanding it deserves. Our firm is wholly dedicated to helping our clients protect their rights and overcome any criminal accusations.
If you have been accused of a white collar crime or are facing any other criminal charges, please contact a criminal defense attorney promptly.
