William A Dudley
Family Law Conflict Resolution
Trial or Settlement - We are there
The issues which arise surrounding the dissolution of a marriage are sometimes far from simple. While divorce is more commonplace in today's world than in years past, the issues presented are often complex, legally, emotionally, or both. Who keeps the home? Who is responsible for which debts? Am I entitled to a portion of my spouses retirement? What is in the best interest of the children? There are many choices to be discussed, important matters which deserve serious consideration.
The Law Office of William A. Dudley, P.C. exists to assist clients during their time of need in family law dispute. The firm is dedicated to the practice of family law, including divorce, suits for custody, modification of prior orders, enforcement, and paternity. Family law is our business, and our passion. If you are in need of services to assist you in a family related dispute, call for an appointment.
Law Office of William A Dudley PC
1126 3rd St
Corpus Christi TX 78404
Tel: 361 884-3488
Fax: 361 884-3688
William A. Dudley has been awarded certificates of special competence in the
fields of family law and civil appellate law by the Texas Board of Legal
Specialization. He is listed in the publication “Best Lawyers in America†and
Texas Monthly's "Super Lawyers." Having completed a five year tenure on the
Family Law Council, which presides over the entire Family Law Section of the
State Bar of Texas, Mr. Dudley remains a fellow of the American Academy of
Matrimonial Lawyers, and proud member of the Texas Academy of Family Law
Specialists. His curriculum vitae is attached.
